58 research outputs found

    A quantum hydrodynamics approach to the formation of new types of waves in polarized two-dimension systems of charged and neutral particles

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    In this paper we explicate a method of quantum hydrodynamics (QHD) for the study of the quantum evolution of a system of polarized particles. Though we focused primarily on the two-dimension physical systems, the method is valid for three-dimension and one-dimension systems too. The presented method is based upon the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Fundamental QHD equations for charged and neutral particles were derived from the many-particle microscopic Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The fact that particles possess the electric dipole moment (EDM) was taken into account. The explicated QHD approach was used to study dispersion characteristics of various physical systems. We analyzed dispersion of waves in a two-dimension (2D) ion and hole gas placed into an external electric field which is orthogonal to the gas plane. Elementary excitations in a system of neutral polarized particles were studied for 1D, 2D and 3D cases. The polarization dynamics in systems of both neutral and charged particles is shown to cause formation of a new type of waves as well as changes in the dispersion characteristics of already known waves. We also analyzed wave dispersion in 2D exciton systems, in 2D electron-ion plasma and 2D electron-hole plasma. Generation of waves in 3D system neutral particles with EDM by means of the beam of electrons and neutral polarized particles is investigated.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Semantic Transformations of Word <i>bomb</i> and Its Derivatives as a Reflection of Shifts in the Linguistic Picture of World

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    The authors determine their values on the basis of the analysis of a wide range of lexicographic sources and the most frequency contexts for the use of the units in question, extracted from texts functioning in real and virtual communication. In addition, the authors turn to sociolinguistic research methods. It is shown that individual units and new meanings are poorly represented in lexicography. Cases of transformation of the connotative halo of the words under consideration are noted. It is shown that the analyzed units are characterized by diffuse semantics, wide compatibility and expressiveness, which determines their high pragmatic potential and, as a result, the high frequency of use in media texts. The authors devote considerable attention to the question of the possible reasons for the development of new semantics among the derivatives of the word bomb , considering them as a result of the influence of Anglo-American linguistic culture. Questions on the perception of new tokens by native speakers and the advisability of using these language units in different communicative situations are also raised. The analysis allows us to identify some trends in the transformation of the Russian linguistic picture of the world in the context of global processes that affect the development of Russian linguistic culture

    Influence of drying and pretreatment methods on certain parameters of yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor)

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    Nowadays alternative protein sources like edible insects are becoming widely used as human food. One of the most popular insect is yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) due to its high nutrition value. However, pretreatment and drying are necessary to increase the food shelf life and the efficiency of its use. Due to this, the purpose of the present work was the determination of influence of pretreatment methods (freezing of larvae for 1 month, freezing for 2 hours, freezing for 1 month followed by defrosting for 2 hours at room temperature, blanching) and drying methods (convection drying at 40 °C and 60 °C, microwave drying) of yellow mealworm on its color (determination of L*, а*, b*, ΔElab, Ch, H, BI), moisture content (gravimetric method), fatty acid composition (determined by gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy) and time of drying (time required to reach constant weight). It was found that all used pretreatment and drying methods had no effect on the fatty acid composition of the larvae. In terms of drying rate and color retention, microwave drying showed better results than convection drying at 40 °C and 60 °C. Meanwhile, convection drying at 40 °C leads to the higher final moisture content of the samples. Among the pretreatment methods, only blanching the larvae samples before drying retained their color better and also accelerated the rate of the convection drying

    Different metastasis promotive potency of small G-proteins RalA and RalB in in vivo hamster tumor model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously we have shown that oncogenic Ha-Ras stimulated <it>in vivo </it>metastasis through RalGEF-Ral signaling. RalA and RalB are highly homologous small G proteins belonging to Ras superfamily. They can be activated by Ras-RalGEF signaling pathway and influence cellular growth and survival, motility, vesicular transport and tumor progression in humans and in animal models. Here we first time compared the influence of RalA and RalB on tumorigenic, invasive and metastatic properties of RSV transformed hamster fibroblasts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retroviral vectors encoding activated forms or effector mutants of RalA or RalB proteins were introduced into the low metastatic HET-SR cell line. Tumor growth and spontaneous metastatic activity (SMA) were evaluated on immunocompetent hamsters after subcutaneous injection of cells. The biological properties of cells, including proliferation, clonogenicity, migration and invasion were determined using MTT, wound healing, colony formation and Boyden chamber assays respectively. Protein expression and phosphorylation was detected by Westen blot analysis. Extracellular proteinases activity was assessed by substrate-specific zymography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have showed that although both Ral proteins stimulated SMA, RalB was more effective in metastasis stimulation <it>in vivo </it>as well as in potentiating of directed movement and invasion <it>in vitro</it>. Simultaneous expression of active RalA and RalB didn't give synergetic effect on metastasis formation. RalB activity decreased expression of Caveolin-1, while active RalA stimulated MMP-1 and uPA proteolytic activity, as well as CD24 expression. Both Ral proteins were capable of Cyclin D1 upregulation, JNK1 kinase activation, and stimulation of colony growth and motility. Among three main RalB effectors (RalBP1, exocyst complex and PLD1), PLD1 was essential for RalB-dependent metastasis stimulation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Presented results are the first data on direct comparison of RalA and RalB impact as well as of RalA/RalB simultaneous expression influence on <it>in vivo </it>cell metastatic activity. We showed that RalB activation significantly more than RalA stimulates SMA. This property correlates with the ability of RalB to stimulate <it>in vitro </it>invasion and serum directed cell movement. We also found that RalB-PLD1 interaction is necessary for the acquisition of RalB-dependent high metastatic cell phenotype. These findings contribute to the identification of molecular mechanisms of metastasis and tumor progression.</p

    Thermal expansion of KYbXY1-X(WO4)2 crystals

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    Average and differential linear thermal expansion coefficients of KYbxY1-x(WO4)2 crystals are determined in the directions of the optical indicatrix axes Np, Nm and Ng using dilatometric technique. Dependence of the average and differential linear thermal expansion coefficients on the temperature in the range of 75–290 C and ytterbium contains x from 0 to 1.0 are discussed

    Results of instrumental aerial survey of ice-associated seals on the ice in the Okhotsk Sea in May 2013

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    Populations of ice-associated seals in the Okhotsk Sea are assessed using modern instrumental aerial technique. The aerial survey was conducted over a part of the ice-covered area of the Sea on May 1-9, 2013 by means of thermal scan and visual digital photography from the aircraft-laboratory An-38 «Vostok». The ice covered area of the Okhotsk Sea in the time of survey was estimated as 242,000 km2, and 2,993 km2 of it was covered by survey transects with total length 5,617 km. The number of animals on all transects within the equipment swath was counted. Four seal species were identified: bearded, spotted, ribbon, and ringed seals, and their number and distribution were determined. The infra-red scanner recorded 5,730 seals on the ice and 4,360 these animals were photographed including 844 ringed seals, 453 bearded, 721 spotted, 1,805 ribbon, 435 pups non-identified to the species, and 102 non-identified to species adult seals. These assessments were extrapolated over the whole ice-covered area of the Okhotsk Sea using a linear model framework, and the following estimations of the species total abundance were presented (95 % confidence intervals in brackets): 88,253 (64,120-130,320) ringed seals, 39,743 (27,868-60,026) bearded seals, 181,179 (118,392-316,995) ribbon seals, and 84,356 (55,172-113,540) spotted seals. A database on all recorded seals with their «portrait-photos» and accompanying information is created on materials of the aerial survey. The developed instrumental technology can be used as a basis for wider aerial surveys of ice-associated seals in the North Pacific

    Postoperative prolonged infiltration anesthesia for multimodal perioperative pain management in patients with hip replacement arthroplasty

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    ТАЗОБЕДРЕННЫЙ СУСТАВ /ХИРТОТАЛЬНОЕ ЭНДОПРОТЕЗИРОВАНИЕАНЕСТЕЗИЯ ЭПИДУРАЛЬНАЯАНЕСТЕЗИЯ МЕСТНАЯАНЕСТЕЗИЯ ИНФИЛЬТРАЦИОННАЯРОПИВАКАИНА ГИДРОХЛОРИДМИКРОИНФУЗИОННАЯ ПОМПАЦель. Улучшить эффективность мультимодального периоперационного обезболивания у пациентов при тотальном эндопротезировании тазобедренного сустава за счет применения послеоперационной пролонгированной инфильтрационной анестезии области оперативного вмешательства. Материал и методы. Проведен проспективный сравнительный анализ результатов лечения 78 пациентов, которым было выполнено первичное тотальное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава. Пациенты были разделены на две группы: в первой группе в послеоперационном периоде использовали продленную эпидуральную анальгезию, во второй группе применяли пролонгированную 24-часовую инфильтрационную анестезию области операции введением 0,2% раствора ропивакаина гидрохлорида с помощью микроинфузионной помпы с постоянной скоростью 8 мл/час. У всех пациентов анализировали выраженность болевого синдрома, уровень плазменной концентрации кортизола, уровень гликемии. Также оценивали расход тримеперидина и время начала активизации пациентов. Оценку проводили за 24 часа до операции, а также через 6 и 24 часа после нее. Результаты. Через 24 часа после операции в первой и второй группах выраженность боли по шкале ВАШ составила 2,2±0,35 и 1,5±0,42 балла соответственно; уровень плазменного кортизола составил 768,5±45,8 нмоль/л и 584,6±54,2 нмоль/л соответственно; уровень концентрации глюкозы в крови составил 7,03±0,34 ммоль/л и 5,91±0,27 ммоль/л соответственно. Количество использованного тримеперидина за первые 24 часа после операции в первой и второй группах составило 38,6±2,95 мг и 21,3±3,17 мг соответственно. Первое присаживание и вертикализацию пациентов в первой группе осуществляли через 24,8±2,4 и 28±1,4 часа, во второй клинической группе – через 4,5±0,5 и 6,3±0,7 часа соответственно. Заключение. Применение пролонгированной инфильтрационной анестезии позволило на 46,7% эффективнее купировать болевой синдром, на 55,2% снизить количество требуемого тримеперидина в течение первых суток после операции и на 20,3±1,4 часа раньше начать активизацию пациентов по сравнению с продленной эпидуральной анестезией.Objective. To improve the efficiency of multimodal perioperative pain management in patients in case of the hip replacement arthroplasty using postoperative prolonged infiltration anesthesia in the area of surgical intervention. Methods. A prospective comparative analysis of the treatment results of 78 patients underwent the primary hip replacement arthroplasty was performed. The patients were divided into two groups: (1) the first group of patients was treated with prolonged epidural analgesia in the postoperative period, while (2) in the second group, the patients were treated with prolonged 24-hour infiltration anesthesia at the area of the surgical intervention by 0.2% of the ropivacaine hydrochloride solution, administered using microinfusion pump with a constant rate of 8 ml per hour. All patients were assessed for intensity of the pain syndrome, plasma concentrations of the cortisol and blood glucose levels. Also, trimeperidine consumption rate and the start of patient’s activity were assessed. The evaluation was conducted 24 hours prior to the surgical intervention, as well as 6 and 24 hours after. Results. 24 hours after the surgery, the pain intensity scores assessed by the VAS were 2.2±0.35 and 1.5±0.42 points in the first and second clinical groups, respectively; the cortisol plasma levels 24 hours after the surgical intervention were 768.5±45.8 nmol/l and 584.6±54.2 nmol/l in the first and second clinical groups, respectively; the blood glucose levels after the surgical intervention were 7.03±0.34 mmol/l and 5.91±0.27 mmol/l in the first and second clinical groups, respectively. Trimeperidine consumption rates for the first 24 hours after the surgical intervention were 38.6±2.95 mg and 21.3±3.17 mg in the first and second clinical groups, respectively. The first sitting and complete verticalization of patients in the first group were performed in 24.8±2.4 and 28±1.4 hours, while in the second clinical group, these activities were performed in 4.5±0.5 and 6.3±0.7 hours respectively. Conclusions. The use of the prolonged infiltration anesthesia allowed by 46.7% more effectively arresting pain syndrome, by 55.2% reducing trimeperidine consumption rate for the first 24 hours after the surgical intervention and by 20.3±1.4 hours earlier starting activation of patients if compared to the prolonged epidural analgesia

    Combined Effect of Microstructure, Surface Energy, and Adhesion Force on the Friction of PVA/Ferrite Spinel Nanocomposites

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    Nanocomposite films based on spinel ferrite (Mg0.8Zn0.2Fe1.5Al0.5O4) in a PVA matrix were obtained. An increase in the spinel concentration to 10 wt.% caused an avalanche-like rise in roughness due to the formation of nanoparticle agglomerates. The lateral mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM) allowed us to trace the agglomeration dynamics. An unexpected result was that the composite with 6 wt.% of filler had a low friction coefficient in comparison with similar composites due to the successfully combined effects of low roughness and surface energy. The friction coefficient decreased to 0.07 when the friction coefficient of pure PVA was 0.72. A specially developed method for measuring nano-objects’ surface energy using AFM made it possible to explain the anomalous nature of the change in tribological characteristics. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.National University of Science and Technology, MISISAlex V. Trukhanov thanks NUST MISIS for support within the framework of the «Priority 2030»

    Investigation of thin films MgAl2O4, deposited on the Si substrates by vacuum thermal evaporation

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    The article presents data on the study of X-ray structural and microstructural characteristics of thin films of aluminum-magnesium spinel MgAl2O4 deposited on Si substrates by vacuum thermal evaporation. MgAl2O4 films have a polycrystalline rhombic structure. The values of the unit cell parameters of MgAl2O4 are calculated. Scanning electron and atomic force microscopy showed that MgAl2O4 films have a densely packed structure without cracks. Physical characteristics and good adhesion of MgAl2O4 thin films to silicon substrates indicate their possibility of using in devices of opto- and microelectronics